Egypt’s Vision 2030 includes a detailed plan to build a knowledge-based economy and fill any potential skill gap in the current and future labor market in Egypt and the Middle East, fulfilling the region’s growing academic community, in population and diversity, by bringing world-class education institutions to the country.
Within the Egyptian higher education sector, there are several dimensions that provide proven favorable conditions for new TNE operations in Egypt, including the recent change in regulations and legislation, the availability of talent and staffing, the higher education market in Egypt, and the country’s geopolitical position.
The establishment and operation of International Universities campus in Egypt is governed by Law No. 162 for Year 2018
IBCs in Egypt regulated by the Council of International Universities in Egypt, which is a regulatory body within the Ministry of Higher Education whose members are made of presidents of International Universities Branches, in addition to Minister advisors. It is headed by the Minister of Higher Education.
The establishment of International University Branch campus in Egypt requires a presidential decree after satisfying a list of requirements set by the Council of International Universities.